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Work Remote Programming

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If you program and want to:

  • Work remotely while you travel as a digital nomad
  • Earn like a developer in San Francisco or New York
  • Stop living in your office cubicle
  • Work for startups from USA and Europe
  • Sell yourself as a rockstar developer!

Who I am?

My name is Fernando, and my work is that you get a better work.

Have you ever wanted to work at your own time, wherever you are, far far away from an office?

Take for example, you can work and be on the beach or be a backpacker travelling through Asia or Europe earning money as if you were a developer in New York or San Francisco.

My story

Few years ago I worked in an office like YOU. It was the corporate HQ of a big transnational company and my schedule was like this: I woke up at 5 AM commute to be there at 7 AM worked like a robot and left there at 5 PM returning home at 7 PM and in seasonal holidays I also worked Saturdays and Sundays until retail stores closed.

So I decided to take action and my job search as a digital nomad or remote jobs started.

My dream was leave the big city, work from home and to be more with my family. I have two daughters and being in an office all day I was losing the opportunity to watch them grow, many many times I left home before they woke up and I returned home after they slept.

Also I wanted to have the opportunity to travel weeks and not be tied to a schedule, I wanted to work while traveling only with my laptop.

Now I have a work like that!

What you'll learn?

You will learn the incredible art on how to make recruiters view your resume, how does your LinkedIn and Github need to look like, where to find and when, how to send your portfolio, what to study for an interview, what to know in a technical interview, how to solve a code challenge and finally how to seek and receive an offer.

I'm not gonna lie: it's gonna be difficult and if want to search a job a digital nomad you will receive a lot of noes so you have to be a master in handling rejection.

But you will be prepared to the recruiter that will say maybe and with all the knowledge that I'm teaching here you will convert that maybe into a YES and receive offers.

Your course guide

The course covers the following subjects:

1. How to be a Rockstar Developer

  • What is to be a great developer and what you need to be one
  • Which programing languages you use and how to communicate it
  • What you should learn
  • How is the actual developer market
  • How much does a developer earn depending in which languages they program
  • Which programmers have more demand.

2. English or Espanglish (or whatever you speak)

  • Perfect your english skills
  • Is it necessary to have a TOEFL, IELTS or another certification?
  • How to practice for interviews

3. ATS Resume

  • Resume or Curriculum Vitae
  • International, US, EU Resume
  • Infographic Resume
  • 6-Second Resume Challenge
  • Cover Letter or a 40% improvement
  • ATS or Applicant Tracking System and why it's important
  • Optimizing your resumé for keywords

4. Networks

  • What does Google says about you?
  • Do you need a personal website?
  • Portfolio
  • Social Networks
  • 97% of recruiters use LinkedIn, rewrite your profile
  • Github of rockstars developers

5. Work

  • Remote job board
  • Forums, groups and teams that you need
  • When, how and where to apply
  • Which is the best day and hour to apply

6. Interviews

  • How to prepare for an interview
  • In which websites you can research information about the companies that will interview you.
  • FAQ from recruiters
  • FAQ from leads
  • FAQ from CTOs
  • FAQ from CEOs
  • What to ask when it's your turn

7. Code challenges

  • Which technical tests you need to approve
  • Which algorithms need to be studied
  • Which are the most common
  • How to be prepared to be the best (or at least a qualifying candidate)

8. Offer letters

  • Which papers need to be prepared
  • Which papers you need to sign
  • How to receive money and when
  • Do I need to pay taxes for international jobs?

9. Your life as a remote job worker

  • From where is best to work
  • Suggestions for a better nomad life
  • The next step

About the author

Fernando Altuzar is a tech addict, he has developed apps for consumers and Fortune 500 companies. Before he worked in an office cubicle until he was fed up for being there and started looking for the job of his dreams. Now the commute to his office is zero hours and when he leaves office he is instantly home.


This course is limited to 20 beta testers, and it lasts 6 weeks beginning April 1st, 2016.

The course final cost will be between $350 and $500 USD, but for this time will be available for a very special reduced price in exchange of your valuable feedback.

You will have access directly to me in Facebook, Whatsapp or email during this 6 weeks and you will be the first ones in receive the material.

Also, as a part of the 20 beta testers you will have access to personal mentorship to deal with your first interviews.

Frequently Asked Questions

When do I pay?

Gumroad will charge you until you receive access to the course April 1st 2016.

What kind of payment methods do you accept?

Mostly all credit cards from around the worl and Paypal.

How much time will I have access to the course?

Forever. Once you sign in you will have unlimited access to this course, available in your tablet, laptop or phone.

Do I need internet to take the course?

Yes. The course contains videos and .pdf files that you can download and watch and read wherever you like.

What happen if I am not happy with the course? Is there refunds?

I invested a lot of time preparing the best product that is available and the last thing that I want is for you to be unhappy. If you are not happy and you send me the prove of what have you made in each part of the course after 30 days of the purchase I will refund your purchase.

I have more questions!

Let me know all your concerns,comments and questions I will be happy to answer. Send me a reply via Twitter to @altuzar

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Available on April 1, 2016 at 7:00 PM
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Work Remote Programming

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